About Us
Business Relationships
We often recommend the AspDotNetStoreFront shopping cart. This shopping cart provides a great place to start for a customized solution. It provides features that are needed by a modern ecommerce business such as flexibility of design, product image gallery, support for many payment methods, real-time shipping quotes, and multi-language support. It utilizes the modern dot-net technology and makes use of the model view controller architecture. AspDotNetStorefront has also been audited by a third-party company to certify that it meets the PCI Standards Council's standards for a secure payment application.
Alternatively, a great ecommerce platform for companies who do not need a lot of customization is BigCommerce.
Active Lightning is a value-added reseller [VAR] for:
- e-commerce solution: AspDotNetStorefront
- integrated design environment [IDE] for automated publishing by FML: PatternStream
We do a lot of work for businesses which own Epicor Eagle systems, a combination of hardware and software that provides point-of-sale, inventory management, and financial control. Eagle N Series is created and distributed by Epicor Software Corporation (Austin, TX).
Active Lightning uses and promotes products of Adobe Systems Inc. (San Jose, CA). They have great products for creating marketing communication, both for print and internet. Some of their most famous products are: Photoshop, DreamWeaver, InDesign, Illustrator, FrameMaker and Acrobat.
Active Lightning is a state-certified woman-owned business (certified by Supplier Diversity Office, Commonwealth of Massachusetts). It is a state-certified disadvantaged business according to the US Department of Transportation guidelines. Services from Active Lightning are available via GSA as a subcontractor of Microsearch Corporation. Microsearch provides online libraries, archiving and deep search systems.