Utilized product pictures extensively. This enables Spanish-speaking users to browse (without Spanish descriptions), and it makes the browsing process go more quickly since a picture is worth a thousand words. (Cox Hardware is more focused towards commercial customers over consumers, so dial-up users are not a limiting factor.) This also takes advantage of a key competitive advantage: Cox Hardware’s extensive image directory.
Mimiced the store shopping experience via a map of the store layout that has rollover effects. As a user rolls over a given department, s/he sees a 4 thumbnail images appear to indicate a sample of products in that department. For people who shop in the physical store, they learn more about where items are located for their recurring visits; also, their previous visits inform them about where to start their browsing experience. In other words, the online experience reinforces the bricks and mortar experience. Even for people who do not shop in person at the physical store; this approach provides an intuitive interface. The next level of browsing is like looking at various shelves where each one displays the products associated with a class (a level of organization in the Eagle System).
Did more for Spanish-speaking people that are a significant percentage of Cox Hardware's customers. Three key pages in addition to the Virtual Hardware Store are provided in Spanish. When a user clicks on a department in the Virtual Hardware Store (or Ferreteria Virtual), s/he is shown a page of the classes in that department, again with sample thumbnails of products in that class. A link in English, “complete listing,” next to the class name provides the means to get a product listing for the whole class. A link in Spanish, “...mas,” to the right of the image thumbnails also provides the means to get a product listing for the whole class. (These html pages are produced with PatternStream automation.)
Virgil Cox, the owner, made a decision early on to utilize iNet, a web application from Activant. It integrates with the Eagle System that Cox uses for inventory, point-of-sale, and accounting. He wanted the iNet frame at the top of the page to be consistently present so that users do not realize when they transfer from the coxhardware.com site to the op1.triadnet.com server utilized for iNet. We took advantage of the ability to jump into iNet via hyperlinks that jump directly to a target product, class, or department.
Virgil Cox also participated in designing the home page. He determined the sub-page organization and content. He produced reference guides for his staff: fasteners and other metal hardware, to post on the Useful Information page. He also did a lot of work to develop the help page, policies page, and legal terms of use. See his comments on this project below.
The Active Lightning designer, Baker, contributed the palette and a number of design elements.