Working Together
Description of Work Process for
AspDotNetStorefront Customization
After the Discovery Phase of an AspDotNetStorefront [ADNS] customization project, we have a solid idea of what you, the client, wants.
Usually, the client provides a development server [we can secure a developement server as part of the project if you prefer for us to do so]. Each purchased AspDotNetStorefront license, comes with a license for:
the Development server
a Quality Assurance server
the Production server
The Development server stores a copy of the AspDotNetStorefront code. We do changes to modify the code and files to obtain the desired results. At a certain point, we have achieved the results for certain minimal test data (or at least we think we have). At this point, the appropriate person from the client organization proofs our work by doing some more testing of the application on the Development server. This person develops a "punch list" of all the details that still need to be tweaked. There is usually a lot of back and forth in arriving at the target of what the client wants.
After we take care of the punch list, all the files from the "Web" directory get copied to the Q/A server. This in a sense freezes the code at a certain point for more extensive testing. Development can continue without the danger of introducing new bugs.
If the Q/A process identifies any issues, the "fix" is done to the files (or code) on both the Q/A server and the Development server. When the Q/A version is in good shape, the application is moved to the Production server.
Some organizations choose to by-pass the Quality Assuance stage of the launch process. Sometimes the project is small in scope, or the site is new, and there is no need to do so. Other times, the client management chooses speed over quality.
Testing is a project task that receives very different levels of attention across clients. Formal protocols for testing, including cases and good data that users would enter, along with bad data that could lead to errors, contribute to better quality. Often clients do not want to pay the extra cost to outsource thorough testing, and staff is too busy to give it the attention it needs.